Human beings are exploiting all the species of Plants and Animals to an extent that their existence has become a challenge. The treatment being given to these other forms of life is still far from being ‘human’ and ‘equitable’. Due to unplanned and uncontrolled urbanization, the land use is changing very fast in India and many of the Animal species are not getting enough to eat and their natural habitat is getting permanently destroyed. These Animals often Rush to towns in the search of food and there arises a conflict between humans and Animals. .
Many of the cities are facing problems due to attacks on people by the monkeys to snatch the food material. Street Dogs and abandoned cows and other species of Animals are living in the cities without any permanent source of food , these creatures are left at the mercy of people and often starving.
One of the major new Challenges, which we are facing currently, is the arbitrary abandonment of pets (Dogs) by people in Urban Areas. Some times for fulfilling their Hobby people oft for keeping pets at home , but at a later stage due to many personal , psychological and social reasons they abandon these pets. These animals once getting used of living with humans in household are not able to survive in streets and are bound to live a miserable life. They are also not getting proper health care and treatment in case of need. We are trying to find solutions to these problems by creating Animal shelters, awareness and getting Animal protection rules /regulations enforced by the government.