Individuals are the building blocks of society and each individual has a potential to contribute enormously in upliftment of our society. One can contribute by Tan (Physically),Maan (Mentally) and Dhan (Monetarily). You are welcome to contribute in any of these three forms in our mission. We involve people in our work according to their attitude, commitment, education and skills to offer an opportunity to contribute in the area of their choice.
In order to achieve our organizational objectives, we have also initiated few regular schemes through which you can contribute in the areas of your choice on a regular basis. The fund generated through these schemes enables us to meet our day to day expenses and generate resources for our project operations. You can choose any one or more of the following Scheme to contribute on a long term basis. We also welcome new ideas in this regard.
Ma Ganga Seva Yojana (Mother Ganges service scheme)
Contribution – 1 rupee per day till your choice
This scheme is suitable to those individuals and families, who respect Gangaji as mother and want to be in life-long service to it. We are organizing clean ups , donating Posters and Statues The goddesses Ganges to devotees and also planning to build Temples of Gangaji at selected pilgrimage towns of India , so people can understand the importance of this great river in our life and culture.
Jal Doot Yojana (Water Ambassador Scheme)
Contribution – 2100 Rupees once in life (as membership) and 101 Rupees monthly
This scheme aims to involve companies working in water related businesses in organizing water-quality related courses among participants in communities. The knowledge of the concept of water-quality motivates people in opting for safe drinking water and conserving water for different purposes. Individuals or companies can help us in creating literature for water -quality education and buying machines for demonstrating water quality testing.
Shrimad Bhagwad MhahaPuran Prachhar Seva (Scheme for spreading the divine knowledge contained in Shri Bhagwad Mahapuran in our society)
Contribution – Any amount of one’s choice
Shri Bhagwad Mahapuran is the most sacred text of Sanatan Dharma (Hinduism) and provides an insight into the Hindu life, Philosophy, Values and ethics. It is considered very auspicious to attend its discourse to know about the ultimate truths of life any effort or contribution done in this regard is considered a great deed in itself and brings one eternal peace and blessings of lord Krishna. It is believed that the ultimate objective of life, which is enlightenment (freedom from the endless cycle of life and death), can be achieved by understanding the knowledge contained in this divine text.
Swach Bharat Sankalp Yojana
Contribution – 101 Rs per month for individuals and for companies on large scale according to the Volume
This scheme is for participating in clean India campaign and to provide trainings and equipment for making our country Clean and Hygienic .Money gathered is used for buying dustbins, sanitizers, equipment used in cleaning. If you wish to donate Dustbins having name of your organization, we also do it for your organization as part of your welfare project.
Pranee Matra Kalyan Yogna (All creatures welfare Scheme)
Contribution – Any Amount for any duration
This scheme is to make people sensitive to all living beings it may be a Bird, Animal or any form of living species. There are ample number of examples and instructions in Indian ethics to extend kindness and virtues beyond the human race.We encourage people to be sensitive to all the living beings and avoid violence towards other living beings.
Corona Warriors Scheme
Contribution – 11 Rs per day for individuals and for companies on large scale according to the Volume
This scheme is for helping individuals, families who have lost their near and dear ones, jobs and sources of livelihood and finding difficult even to get descent food for themselves and their kids. Money helps us provide food for the needy and to distribute sanitizers, Good quality Masks and equipment for making our country Clean and Hygienic .Money gathered is also used for helping people with special need and campaigning for making people aware of the symptoms and ways of protecting themselves from the epidemic.