Due to corona a large number of families have lost their near and dear ones. Many children have lost either their mother or father or both. These kids need to be identified and looked after by society. There are millions of people all over Indian in both rural and urban areas, who have lost their sources of livelihoods and are forced to relocate to their native places. The negative impact of Corona has gone far beyond the health domain and is making a severe socio-economic impact globally. We are trying to find solutions to these problems, which have aroused all of sudden due to the spread of Covid epidemic in the country. We request you to bring similar issues related to Covid epidemic to our notice, so we can make a long term strategy to mitigate the ill effects of this epidemic.
Alternative livelihoods
Corona epidemic have resulted in ruining many service sectors like Hotel, Tourism, Aviation and more or less have slowed down the economic growth worldwide. People working in these sectors are jobless and need to be trained for other professions.
As long durations of economic slowdown have made people practically penniless, but expenses of food, education of Children, medical expenses remain same. In most of the cases in India people have to pay for quality healthcare, education etc from their own pocket and it results in a heavy burden on the parents.
As the private sector is the worst victim of Corona epidemic and private schools have refused to decrease or exempt the educational fees, so a large number of parents having their kids in private school are practically unable to pay the hefty fees of private schools, which can be anything (between 1000 to 50000) Rupees per month in most of the cases. This amount in the current situation is almost unaffordable for most of the lower and middle income families in the country.
Health Infrastructure
We are also trying to generate awareness among the concerned authorities to find solutions for combating this kind of epidemic in future also.As Covid epidemic have exposed severe inefficiency and gaps in our health system and we need to come up with a sound plan to avoid similar helpless situations in the country in future. We are finding ways of attracting investments in the Healthcare sector especially in rural and semi urban areas of the country. To provide respectable and affordable healthcare to a large population of about 1.30 billion people is a very difficult task and only with proper healthcare planning backed with a Strong Population Control policy, we can succeed in it to some extent.