Our first and foremost priority is to work at the grass roots to foster an inclusive growth of individuals to finally contribute in making the world a better place to live. We aspire to bring positive change in the lives of the less privileged communities; we have been making constant efforts to spread the values of Sustainable development by sensitizing and engaging the relatively informed and privileged masses towards the welfare of the human race in general living in a world marked with uneven distribution of opportunities and resources.
Satkarma Mission has looked upon its own role as that of a catalyst, a means of setting in motion and accelerating the process of development. But the true potential for bringing positive and long lasting change lies with the aware society itself. In order to achieve the coveted aim of sustainable development in a wider social context, we have adopted the principles of ‘Knowledge Sharing’ and local community empowerment, by making target underprivileged stakeholders key partners in our welfare projects and initiatives.
We adopt a methodology based on a multi-stakeholder analysis approach, where we partner with target communities, international development organizations, local government , business houses, religious organizations, Academic institutions, Educational institutions, print and electronic media, communities and individuals, to exchange knowledge, combine resources and promote the ideal of shared growth.
We encourage eminent public figures and celebrities to come forward and take up their social responsibility and uphold good causes and right values, as distinguished people can very well become role models of the society. We also produce short films and documentaries highlighting vital social issues and disseminate them through mass mediums like television, cinema and social media. In addition to this, mass sensitization, awareness campaigns, and several other initiatives are undertaken regularly to engage different sections of the civil society in social development.
We provide services to different individuals, developmental organizations active in achieving similar goals. We also work in the areas of Skill development, Alternative medicine, Women empowerment, Heritage conservation and collaborate with governmental and non-governmental agencies engaged in achieving similar aims and objectives.We are also well connected with the corporate world through quality execution of their Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) projects. Donations given to our organization are exempted from income tax and are used solely in achieving welfare objectives of the organization.
Satkarma Mission also provides small grants for launching of new projects and also emphasizes on improving productivity, efficiency and builds the capacity of grassroots NGOs and encourages dialogues and communication for Good Governance.
We provide quality services and consultancy to other organizations for executing developmental projects and activities.
Specific Subject (Knowledge) Portals
We create subject and issue specific web portals to address different socio-economic and environmental issues as our strategy to contribute towards the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).It enables us to keep the information accessible to stakeholders involved in the issue. We design high quality web portals related to developmental issues with help of our subject experts, who are well versed in writing scientific contents related to issues.
Surveys, Research and Development
We conduct research and surveys on different socio-economic issues including the stakeholder analysis to understand the problem and find sustainable solutions. Our methodology is backed with experience and passion to discover the root causes behind different problems being faced by the modern world. We conduct surveys, in-depth interviews and analysis of official policies, scientific papers and journalistic contents for assessment of the problem and wherever require we employ scientific instruments and subject experts to provide a holistic analysis of the prevailing scenario. We design sector specific highly customized capacity building programmes for development of human resources suitable to work in different formal and informal sectors of our economy.