Tourism is the largest industry of the world and many remote communities depend solely on the Tourism related activities for livelihoods and income generation. It is also a well established fact that the social, cultural and environmental impacts of tourism on the host communities are also tremendous. Tourism to be sustainable needs a lot of planning from diverse perspectives. We are working on different possibilities of making Tourism sustainable in India. Our activities are mostly centered in Northern India in the famous Tourist circuit of the Golden Trainable and the Himalayan regions of Garhwal and Kumanon in the Uttrakhand State. Our major thrust areas within the domain of sustainable tourism development are following.
Sustainable Approach-
Low Impact Tourism – To find means of Transport, Accommodation units which can reduce the pollution pressure and Traffic load in the popular urban destinations.
Sustainable Pilgrimage – In India Pilgrimage and spiritual activities is one of the largest segments of Tourism. This segment is heavily dependent on shrines located in very fragile ecosystem (e.g. Himalayas) and the number of tourist has grown phenomenally in least two decades. The carrying capacity of these Old temples and Shrines is not at all sufficient to cater to a big number of pilgrims. As a result often there are stampedes, mismanagement and visitors are disappointed with the entire experience. We are providing a complete range of services to manage shrines, Temples and destinations to enhance the visitor satisfaction and make pilgrimage a socio-economically and environmentally a sustainable activity.
Rural Tourism – India is a country of Villages and the countryside offers tremendous opportunity for developing tourism. As the real India still lives in Villages, so we are working with rural communities to find viable tourism options in Villages. Rural tourism is less resource intensive and provided very economical options to tourists. In Villages one can experience live tradition and customs, Traditional food and alternative medicinal and healing therapies.
We are working in the Himalayan region (Uttrakhand), Rajasthan and Uttar Pradesh States for developing Village tourism.
We provide sustainable solutions to Travel Agents, Hoteliers and Transport Operators to bring sustainability in their operations. Please explore the following link to know more about our Sustainable Tourism Agenda.