In Kumbh mela attractions are practically endless. At every step during entire period of event there are celebrations, rituals, bathing, spiritual discourses and Cultural events go on uninterruptedly. Food is distributed by most of the participating organizations, so practically one can live and eat without any money during entire Mela period.
Sadhus (Monks) and their life styles
- Naga Sadhus
The most important attractions for visitors to the Kumbh Mela are Often Naga Sadhus, who seem to be furious, exotic and covered with Ashes.They have matted locks and are revered as the Preservers of Sanatan Dharma (Hindu Faith).Naga Akhadas (where Naga sadhus gather for this occasion) are the most important significant entities of Kumbha Mela.Naga Sadhus are traditionally living as mercenary soldier and remain naked year-round or practice the most severe physical discipline.They normally live in remote Himalayas and leave their
Isolated shrines only for Kumbh pilgrimages.The Naga Sadhus are not at all affected by the extremes of heat and cold. Other special types of pilgrims visiting Kumbh mela are are following.
- Urdhwavahus – Those who believe in putting the body through severe austerities to get salvation.
- Parivajakas – Those who have taken a vow of silence and go about tinkling little bells to get people out of their way.
- Shirshasins – Those who meditate for hours standing on their heads.
- Kalpvasis – Those who spend entire month of Kumbh on the banks of the Ganga, meditating, performing rituals and bathing thrice a day.
‘Akhada‘ is a distorted form of the word ‘akhand‘, which literally means a complete organisation.In the course of Indian history, When Hindu Dharma came under ideological threat, then to imbibe knowledge, these Akhadas raised weapon-wielding brigades to repel the foreign invasions and named them Akhadas. These Ascetics of different sects, spreading from North India to Godavari River are classified into 13 Sanghas (Unions). These 13 Sanghas are termed as 13 Akhadrs. Most of the Ascetics associated with these Akhadas are experts in Holy Scriptures as well as weapons.
Significant features of Akharas
- Most of the followers associated with a particular Akhadareside at one place (camp) during the Kumbh Mela, where they hold deliberations among themselves and plan for the future.
- The Ascetics of Atal Akhadaand Nirvani Akhada stay together during the Kumbh Mela, whereas those of the AnandAkhada and NiranjaniAkhada stay together.
- The Sadhus who have performed spiritual practice for a minimum of 12 years or have acquired special spiritual powers get superior posts in the sectarian religious order.
- The status of an Ascetic (Sadhu) in an Akhadais decided by taking into account his spiritual enhancement and mental courage. While bestowing a status, there is no differentiation on the basis of caste or financial position.
- Strict discipline is observed in the Akhadas and Ascetics who do not follow traditions/rules of the cult are given severe physical punishment or monetary fine.
- There is a hierarchy of Mahamandaleshwar, Mandaleshwar, Mahantin each Akhada.The Brahmanishtha Ascetics,who are very humble, intelligent and have reached the state of Paramhansa are given these titles.
Types of Akharas
These Akharas are broadly of two Types. One category is the followers of Shiva (Shavaites) and another of Vishnu (Vashanavits).Following are Shaiva (Dashanami) Akhadas
- Maha-nirvani
- Atal
- Niranjani
- Anand
- Juna (Bhairav)
- Avahan
- Agni
The great saint and philosopher Adi Shankaracharya (born in early 8 century) classified the united renunciantsof the Shaiva sect into ten classes.
- Giri
- Puri
- Bharati
- Tirtha
- Ban
- Aranya
- Parvat
- Ashram
- Sagar
- Saraswati
These united groups are called ‘Dashanami Akhadas‘.The chief Deity and Flag of each Akhada is different.Religious education and training of arms is given to the renunciant of Akhadas belonging to Shaivasect. Hence, they emit Kshatratej (Radiance of a warrior).
Vaishnav Akhadas-Some disciples of Jagad-guru Shri Ramanandacharya and the disciple of Shri Bhavanandacharya, ShriBalanandaji considered PrabhuShriramchandra as their Deity of worship. They united all the four Vaishnav religious orders and established three Bairagi (Vaishnav) Akhadas. The Vaishnav Akhadas also practice weapons and study Holy scriptures vigorously. These 3 prominent Akhadas are following.
- Digambar
2. Nirmohi
3. Nirvani
Other important Vaishnav Akhadas are following.
- Niralambi
2. Santoshi
3. Mahanirvani
The Ascetics of these Akhadas call themselves ‘Bairagi’ or ‘Alakha’. The main duty of these Akhadas is to protect Hindus and their temples from the foreign aggressors.
Udasin Akhadas :There are two such Akhadas.
- Udasin Panchayati Bada Akhada
- Udasin Panchayati Naya Akhada
Apart from above, NirmalAkhada of Sikhs established through the inspiration of their Dharmaguru Guru Gobind Singh jiis also one of the UdasinAkhada.
The mission of Akhadas
Apart from other objectives, one of the prime objective of these Ahkaras was to protect Dharma (Righterouness).When,the Hindu political powers (dynasties) became weak, the Ascetics and renunciants came forward to protect Dharma, so as to repulse the Islamic aggressors who heaped untold miseries on the Hindus. The Naga sect and Dashanamirenunciantscame together and held spears as a weapon which symbolised strength. They began to give training in gymnastics and using of various weapons such as swords, along with lessons on religious scriptures. Two parts – ‘The weapon-wielding renunciants who preserve the ancient spiritual traditions’ and ‘The weapon-wielding renunciants who fight for the protection of Dharma’ were created among the Naga-Dashanami renunciants. They performed the historic mission of protecting Dharma as given ahead. A. In the year 1666, Aurangzeb attacked Ascetics and devotees in the Kumbh Mela at Haridwar. The Ascetics gave a fitting reply to the attack. When Maratha soldiers in the Mughal army noticed saffron fags of the Ascetics, they too fought against the Mughals. As a result, the Mughal army was defeated.
Innumerable Ascetics laid down their lives and repulsed the attack of AhmadshahAbdali in 1748 and on Mathura in 1757.The Mughal rule was eliminated from 32 villages in Jhansi under the leadership of Naga Ascetic Rajendragiri in from 1751 to 1753, and he hoisted the Flag of Independence in these areas. In the Year 1751, Bangash Afghan chieftain Ahmed Khan of Farrukhabad resorted to violence and loot at Prayag, and abducted four thousand high-caste women. At that time, six thousand Naga Ascetics who had gathered at Triveni Sangam for the KumbhaParva united and attacked the army of Bangash Afgan chieftain. The Ascetics freed the abducted women and wounded many Afghan soldiers.
In the Year 1855, during the Kumbh Mela at Haridwar, Oumanandji (Guru of Swami Dayanand Saraswati, Founder of Arya Samaj) and His Guru Purnanandji prepared a blue print for the First War of Independence against the British rulers in the Year 1857 and spread the blue print all over Bharat through the medium of Ascetics who had gathered from the entire country. During the Kumbh Mela at Prayag in the year 1858, NanasahebDhundhu-pant, BalasahebPeshwa, Tatya Tope, Ajmulla Khan and King Kunvarsingh of Jagadishpur took an oath in the camp of Dashanami Ascetics in the presence of ‘Dast’ Baba to drive the British out of Bharat. Hundreds of Ascetics and Saints were present for the oath-taking ceremony.
Not only renunciants, but Bairagis too fought with arms many times against aggressors of other religions, and thus performed a major duty in the protection of Dharma. Despite being scholars, the armed Ascetics of Shaiva and VaishnavAkhadas gave great relief to the unarmed and peace-loving Hindu community. It is a historic fact that the aggression of Islam could be stopped on the border of Sindh due to these Akhadas.